Technopole Hélioparc - 2 avenue Pierre Angot 64000 Pau 05 40 03 90 68

Our patented material

Food products, including those of very high quality, can be packaged in containers with controversial molecules, such as the famous endocrine disruptors (BPA, phthalates, dioxins, etc.) which manage to migrate from the container to the contents and thus pollute food, and then our body.

Internationally recognized specialist, Ahmed ALLAL, researcher in the physics of polymers, and co-founder of NOOSTRIM, set up a European project in 2015 to create an eco-plastic and this will lead to the creation of the material: VITASTRIM®.

  • Healthy: additivated with natural products only
  • Odourless: produced without any degradation of the material

  • Reusable: up to 100 times

  • Recyclable: up to 9 times

    Using it therefore means participating in the reduction of waste and helping to create new jobs.